Thanks for your interest in this event. Please read this essential information before registering to take part.

*rain or shine* 10am to 4pm, Saturday July 12th, 2025 

Wyndham St N, Downtown Guelph (between Woolwich Street and Douglas Street).

Community members with vehicles (cars, vans and pick ups that fit an 11ft parking spot) are invited to register for the inaugural Great Downtown Guelph Garage Sale! For just $25, you will secure a parking spot on Wyndham St North – closed to regular traffic – and a space to sell your goods from 10am to 4pm.

Downtown businesses will be encouraged to set up outside their storefronts, creating a vibrant, open-air marketplace. Plus, a high-impact marketing campaign will draw thousands of shoppers to the heart of the city—don’t miss this exciting opportunity to sell and connect with the community!

Event set up and vendor expectations
Registered vehicles will park on Wyndham St N, between Woolwich Street and Douglas Street. 

Vendors will have access to Wyndham St from 8am on event day. Directed by volunteers, vehicles will flow in one at a time, parking one behind another (parallel parked) and their goods set up on the road, and at the sides of their vehicles where space allows. Tables, tarps and tents are strongly encouraged but not provided.

Vendors commit to being set up until the event end time of 4pm. No cars must leave the event site until 4.30pm, no exceptions.

What can I sell?
Just like a yard sale that takes place at your home, you can sell gently used or new items that already belong to you. 

It is important to only sell items that are functional and in good condition. Read – Facts for Garage Sale Vendors. It includes banned items, those that must meet regulatory requirements, items that could pose a safety hazard, and items like microwaves that must meet requirements under the Radiation Emitting Devices Act. This link to Canada Safety Council – garage-sales-and-yard-sales is also helpful.

Food items are not to be sold without explicit permission from the organizers.

Can I set up a table on the sidewalk in front of my apartment building or in a local park?
No. Vending on public property such as sidewalks, boulevards, roads, and parkland is illegal without a permit and you will be ticketed by Guelph by-law officers.

What will happen if it rains?
This is a rain or shine event and there is no rain date for the sale. If there is a high likelihood of severe weather (lightning or strong winds) in the forecast we may recommend cancelling. If the weather allows the sale to go ahead safely but there is rain in the forecast, vendors are encouraged to plan on using tarps or tents.

Payment is online by credit card only and non-refundable.

Any more questions? Please email